Today is my late brother birthday. I miss him so much. There are many times I wanted to write about him, that belangsungkawa type of post as a remembrance for him. But I just couldn’t write it. It still sadden me and my family. Only someone have been through lost will understand, i guess.

It was a great lost to us. He was really a good brother and son. Bukan lah tak reda dan terima ketentuanNya. But it just really sad to lose someone very dear. My brother died at 3 days after he turned to 34 years old. Never expected and ready to let him go. It was so sudden. It still fresh in my mind ;(.

Anyway I’m glad that god give me time to spend his last time caring for him. I’m just glad.

This was taken during 2009 Raya
My teenage years

He was my mentor. We went to college together, of course he was the senior. He taught me to be humble, don’t be smart even though I already know about it. In return I learn many other things. He take care of us very well ( he was the eldest of five). He likes making tea for his siblings and his tea was the best! He always there for me. There’s not enough words to describe how he really meant to me…to us.

I really miss you Abang.

Aku berdoa memohon kepada-Mu Ya Allah terimalah semua amal ibadahnya disisimu. Amin.

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